I've been crocheting since 6th grade, which is a longer while ago than I'd like to admit! Over the years, I have experimented with different crochet techniques (lace, Tunisian, etc.) and different projects for friends and family, but it was in 2005 that I decided to pursue the business potential of my craft. I set up my company Many Creative Gifts and an Etsy shop. I've completed a number of custom-made designer orders -- from a top and skirt set for a plus-size client to a stuffed axolotl for someone who had lost her pet one (pictures available on my Flickr account!)
I've branched out since then to teach crochet in Washington DC through Knit-a-Gogo.com and Looped Yarn Works and to self-publish some crochet patterns and booklets through my Lulu shop and Ravelry page. I especially love teaching the Beginner Crochet classes because it's so fun sharing both the techniques of crochet as well as the sense of creativity and community. There's nothing more satisfying than picking up a hook and ball of yarn and seeing what can be created in just a few hours. I look forward to continuing to share my passion and enthusiasm for crochet through LifeTips!
Please continue to visit me here often for my latest tips and on my blog www.manycreativegifts.blogspot.com for other insights into crochet ... and life!